Meeting Minutes – March 2023

College Hill Neighborhood Association
Minutes – Monday, March 20, 2023

Attendees: Brian and Dana Adams, Jenith Hoover, Gail Kennedy, Annie Buckland, Laura Burton, Andy Fry, Charlie Bates, Carol Christensen (Vice President), Jasmine Puderbaugh (secretary), Duane and Debbie Pomeroy (Treasurer), Diane Pomeroy, Bruce Emmert, Susan Duffy, Shamecha King Simms (Citizen’s Advisory Council), Sue Fackler

1. Carol Christensen (Vice President) called the meeting to order at 7:00.

2. Introductions

3. Minutes from the January 23, 2023 meeting
a. Carol Christensen made a correction- her name was listed twice in attendance.
b. Laura Burton moved we accept the minutes as amended and Andy Fry seconded; motion

4. Treasurer’s Report
a. Began with $8,577.41 and ended with $9,696.90.
b. Grant funds have not changed, and grant funds continue to be included in the general funds.
c. 3 memberships were paid through Paypal (of 22 memberships purchased).
d. Carol Christensen requested that we investigate the option of an interest-bearing account for checking. Debbie Pomeroy will look into it.

e. Andy Fry moved and Annie Buckland seconded that that treasurer’s report be approved as presented; motion passed.

5. Recycling drive – update by Carol Christensen
a. Next recycling drive is April 1.

6. Gazebo grand opening – Consider an event to celebrate the completion of the gazebo
a. Andy Fry reports that gazebo project is not completed due to staffing issues- there are
still additional parts to be added (picnic tables, railings, electrical not turned on, lighting,
sidewalk). Need to talk to county to follow up.
b. Susan Duffy wants to confirm with county that all the money we budgeted for the project
was used for the project.
c. Laura Burton will follow up with Parks and Recreation with the neighborhood’s
d. Tentatively plan ribbon cutting for 4 th of July after the parade.

7. Fourth of July – Determine parade route, Chairman
a. Purchased 8 barricades and 4 road closed signs to use, but depending on the route we will
need to rent more.
b. Need 2 volunteers to move barricades at each street.
c. General consensus is to keep original parade route- involves more of the community and
keeps more interest in parade.
d. Could apply for more community grants to try to get more barricades- Topeka
Community Foundation, Community Development Block Grant.
e. Chairman will request event permit- must be done 90 days before.
f. Debbie Pomeroy proposed that each year we designate a number of barricades to purchase in order to eventually get all the barricades needed. Susan Duffy moved that we designate approximately $2000 of College Hill funds to purchase as many level 3 barricades as we can for that money for the 2023 year and further authorize College Hill to apply for any grant money to purchase additional level 3 barricades for College Hill activities. Debbie Pomeroy seconded. Motion passed.
g. Ralynn Schmidt and Tricia Waggoner volunteered to help with 4 th of July via signup at the chili feed. Maria Carr currently has the notebook with all the guiding information for 4th of July. Contact Maria Carr first to see if she’s interested in being chairperson; if not, contact Ralynn and Tricia to co-chair.
h. Need to call the fire department as soon as possible if we want them to participate in the parade. Annie Buckland will contact.

8. Old Business – Gauge interest in neighborhood-wide historic district designation
a. Neighborhood does not qualify for the register and it was suggested that individuals or blocks look into designation by individual house or by block.
b. Would like to publish list of houses in the neighborhood which already have historic designation along with information about how to look up whether your house qualifies on the survey and to start that process.
c. Susan Duffy brought up the idea of improving sidewalks and potentially gauging interest in a vote to increase local property taxes to fund sidewalk improvements.

9. New Business – Set dates for CH Cleanup Day, communication strategies to keep neighbors informed, neighborhood service ideas to share with Westminster Presbyterian Church
a. Waiting to hear from county to find out date for CH cleanup day- tentatively May 6.
b. Issues with communication- things being sent to spam, Facebook hard to find, website not always updated- concerns that people who aren’t involved might just not know about events. Sue Fackler suggested going back to an email list to share community happenings. Debbie Pomeroy shared that she appreciates the physical newsletter delivered to each house. Some of the issues with communication and delivery of newsletters could be improved by having a block leader on each block. Need to talk to Erin Snethan about current workload and needs and Cindy McGinnis about how she previously handled things. Need individuals to write their own articles/ content and send to Erin Snethan by a set deadline. Consider developing a communications committee to spread the workload. Consider a neighborhood physical bulletin board to post neighborhood information. Conversation to be continued at the next meeting.
c. Westminster Church is planning to host a health night or series of nights- workshops on financial health, spiritual health, physical health, etc.
d. College Hill Blossoms update: Sue Bolley and Sue Fackler went out to Jackson’s to create planters- 15 pots and at least 20-25 hanging baskets. Plan to come buy plants, eat breakfast, and bid in the silent auction.
e. Andy Fry reports that we did apply for another mural grant with intention to put it on the side of Blooms on Boswell. There are several other houses interested and ultimately would like to develop a walking tour.
f. Would like to request community police officer attend next meeting for neighborhood concerns and updates.
g. If you have gently used or new board books, Westminster Church is taking donations to have on hand for the children to read when summer meals are served. Donations can be taken to Carol Hines house or Westminster Church Monday- Thursday 9-2.

10. Our next meeting is 7 p.m., Monday, May 15, 2023 at Westminster Church.

11. Mark your calendars –
a. Saturday Recycling dates are April 1, July 8, September 9 and December 9
b. Ladies Night Out at Blooms on Boswell 4-7 p.m., April 20
c. Blossoms 8-11 a.m., April 29

12. Gail Kennedy moved to adjourn and Laura Burton seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:43 pm.