Meeting Minutes – July 2021

College Hill Neighborhood Association

Minutes:  July 19, 2021


Attendees:  Christi Stewart (President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer),  Sue Fackler, K.O. Noonoo, Brian Adams, Dana Adams, Andy Fry, Debbie Pomeroy, Duane Pomeroy, Carol Christensen, John Christensen, Erin Snethen, Kat Shaw, Ben Alford

Zoom Meeting

  1. Introductions 
  2. Minutes – May minutes (amend to say March); motion from Sue, second from Tom. Minutes approved.
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    • Presented by Tom Luellen (Treasurer); see attached
    • Three grants are reflected – Kansas Leadership Center, Topeka Community Foundation, United Way
    • $300 for Pineapple Dream for July 4 expense
    • Andy moved, second from Carol. Report approved.
  4. Lightbulbs – Andy
    • We have all the lightbulbs and have developed a plan to distribute them.
    • Thanks to everyone
  5. Wifi Project – Andy
    • The Wifi is connected. They are working on yard signs to notify park users of the service.
    • Also working on a press release to notify the wider community.
    • Sue requested something for the church newsletter.
    • Carol asked about cost; Andy said we have funds for years to cover this. This is combination of KLC and United Way of Greater Topeka
  6. Traffic Calming
    • Andy is working with the traffic engineer to have signage by the end of the summer.
    • 15th and Jewell and 13th and College are the intersections.
  7. KLC Grant – Vaccinations
    • We also received dollars to encourage people to get vaccinated. We plan to set something up in the park
    • Andy was working with the health department. They used funds for barricades (8) to make safer places for kids to play and ride during the event.
    • This is half of what it takes to have the parade around the park.
    • Carol asked where they would be stored. Andy shared that they will be stored in a neighborhood garage.
  8. Recycling Drive – Carol Christensen
    • Carol shared that we had the drive last weekend (July 10).
    • We made $164 which is good with less than 10% of the people recycling. This added to $11 from neighborhood clean up to total $175.
    • Thanks to Kat for sharing in the newsletter and encouraging people to participate. Thanks to Debbie Pomeroy for helping this time.
  9. National Night Out
    • August 7 at Boswell Park 
    • Committee decided on a movie night. Andy has worked with the health department to give vaccines. We will close Jewell from 14th to 13th Streets.
    • Carol asked about food. We have a $75 stipend.
    • It will be early to be kid-friendly. 
    • We have equipment; Dillons donates water bottles.
    • July 29 is the Westminster movie night at 8:00pm. Andy asked about a Facebook event. Sue will share it out.
    • Flyers will be made by Safe Streets Coalition.
    • Carol asked to include September 11 recycling drive. Christi will share the annual meeting date and time on it as well.
  10. Overview of 4th of July
    • Thanks to everyone for helping with this event this year. It was scaled down and turnout was good.
    • Thanks to Westminster Church
    • Sue said that neighbors are hoping for full parade soon with the floats. The focus was on Collins Park this year as it was their 50th.
    • Debbie said that we want to share changes to the route prior to the parade.
    • Erin asked for feedback. She said it was great at the park and having events following the parade.
    • Carol shared that the slim turnout on the parade – some with a late start may have gone straight to the park.
    • Pastor K.O. of Westminster shared that the parade had great energy but it wasn’t clear what was free and what was for sale. Big signs would be helpful. We could have used a little more energy when giving awards.
    • John shared that a group of Mormon missionaries pulled weeds on the brick walk the day before the event.
    • Brian said it was the first parade for them and that they loved it. They met new neighbors.
    • Sue asked about the band. John said that they usually play for the Midland event. He said they would be back next year.
    • Andy said it was the largest gathering in his six years at the park for the events and that they stayed for a long time. Thanks to Zach for the music.
  11. Old Business
    • Proposals about the Neighborhood
      • Sue said that folks have worked on this. She wonders if the board has a position.
      • Christi said that the board told the group to keep working and that we would keep an eye on it. She received a letter from the city about a VRBO. This is the new city process according to Andy.
      • Christi is excited that Haus bought the place and are doing good things to it.
      • Debbie said that the owners have not taken possession of the place to the south.
      • Sue asked that the board reach out to Donna and Clark to ask what they want from the board.
      • Duane said they worked with the realtor about the property near them that has two kitchens that it cannot be a duplex.
      • Debbie shared that our involvement is important in the neighborhood with these issues.
    • Criminal Behavior 
      • Folks are keeping an eye out on those homes that are issues in the neighborhood.
      • Some neighbors have been threatened for calling the police.
      • Sue suggested that we include in the newsletter that we are looking for a new person to help with crime and reporting in the community.
    • College Hill Markers
      • John asked about the three markers left at the Duffy’s garden.
      • Andy said the Duffy’s are ok with us storing them there for now.
      • Christi said we are working on it. Andy shared that if anyone wants to take it on as a project, it is ready for that.
      • Kat shared that there is one on Mulvane that needs to be replaced.
      • Sue asked about a newsletter before the annual meeting. Maybe we can ask someone to take on this project.
  12. New Business
    • College Hill T-Shirts
      • Kat has worked on getting new shirts for CHNA. 
      • A lot of people asked about her shirt at the July 4 event. She worked with Go Blue on getting prices and a store put up. We can mark up items as a fundraiser for the neighborhood. We need to sell 25 to get the lower prices.
      • We need to decide on white or black ink. Erin suggested that white stands out well on all colors.
      • Kat suggested we mark them up to make some money for the neighborhood.
      • The store will be online and the shirts will be here by National Night Out. 
      • Erin asked if we could do this more than once. Kat said we can do a second order later in the year. Erin asked about tanks. Kat did not see it on the list.
      • vii.Carol asked about communication. Kat said it would go out through the neighborhood email and to Westminster. Sue feels like we are excluding those who are not online. Kat encouraged people to reach out to those who do not have access to add to their order. 
    • College Hill Bricks
      • Sue asked Tom about orders.
      • Tom and others are working on it. We can push it out during the annual meeting.
      • Debbie shared that there is a Boswell alumni event at the park on September 25.
      • Sue shared that the park agreed to look at improvements and possibly moving the bricks from the west to the center area.
      • Andy said that an online form would help. Kat can help with it and link it to the PayPal account.
  13. Our annual meeting will be September 20 at Westminster Church.
    • There was discussion about a special speaker from the city to present on the VRBO policies.
    • Andy will help secure a speaker.
    • Sue shared that free lunches are still available and are home-cooked on weekdays from 11-12 until August 12 for anyone 0-18 and their families.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Brett J. Martin 

Meeting Minutes – May 2021

Attendees:  Christi Stewart (President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Brett Martin (Secretary), Gail Kennedy, Brian Adams, Dana Adams, Debra Stufflebean, Sue Fackler, K.O. Noonoo, Andy Fry, Debbie Pomeroy, Duane Pomeroy, Carol Christensen, Erin Snethen, Zach Snethen, Leo Cangiani

Zoom Meeting

  1. Introductions 
  2. Minutes – March minutes; motion from Andy, second from Zach. Minutes approved.
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    • Presented by Tom Luellen (Treasurer); see attached
    • Sue shared that we cleared over $1,500 for Blossoms; Zach asked about past revenue; Sue said it is usually around $2,000.
    • Sue moved, second from Gail. Report approved.
  4. Operation Food Secure – Brett
    • The program continues on Thursday nights. We have some volunteers but welcome more.
    • We have a variety of routes. We hope to get to know our neighbors better as the weather warms.
    • The program delivered its 100,000th box this week.
    • We deliver to 64 households. We serve outside College Hill if they don’t have a program in their neighborhoods.
    • Anyone interested in volunteering can contact anyone on the call who volunteers. You can also contact A special thanks to Zach who picks up every other week for us.
  5. House Lights Project Update – Andy
    • Andy shared that we made the initial purchase of light bulbs from Lowes. 
    • The lights have photo cell and will help illuminate the neighborhood and give a sense of safety and inclusiveness.
    • Neighbors will deliver and ask to help install the bulbs and get to know neighbors.
    • Light bulbs have a life of 3-4 years and an annual cost of $5.
    • Internet from Westminster Presbyterian Church – Wifi for students to use for school and other activities. There is funding to continue for a couple of years.
    • Traffic calming measures project – paint to help remind drivers to drive slowly through the neighborhood.
    • Susan shared about the purple lights that are throughout the neighborhood. These are failed lights from Evergy. They are working to resolve it.
    • Sue Bolley does the new neighbor baskets. Will lights be included? Andy will give some to her for the new neighbors; he is in contact with her to get lights to her.
    • Debra asked about a request for a “Children at Play” sign at 15th and Jewell. Andy can request that of traffic staff at the city.
  6. Recycling Drive – Carol Christensen
    • March drive brought in $112. The amount we are being paid now is less and accounts for the decrease from December. Since 1990, $14,115.08 has been raised for the neighborhood.
    • Sorting is necessary and helps with the volunteers. The next drive is July 10.
  7. Old Business
    • Neighborhood Clean Up Day 
      • Zach reported that we filled two dumpsters. We avoided a mess in the parking lot. Karl and Zach picked up some trash in the alleyways. They set aside the recycling.
    • Blossoms Sale 
      • Karl and Meredith were excellent volunteers. She appreciates the help of the younger residents. We will be back next year and hopefully with a breakfast inside the church. If you see good auction items, please set them aside for the sale. Debra shared several items. This is a partnership with Westminster for more than 20 years.
    • July 4  
      • Sue asked about the hot dog lunch. Westminster is willing to do the lunch if we decide to do the parade. Susan is not sure whether the city is issuing parade permits.
      • The barricades are $1,500-1,700 for the parade. This is a separate application.
      • There was discussion that the decision was made at the last meeting to have a 4th of July walk instead of a parade.
      • Debra shared that the lost her husband last month and that the parade was incredibly important to him and to their family.
      • Andy asked about the Music in the Park the night before the 4th of July. 
      • Sue shared that the church will be less enthused about the hot dog lunch if there is no parade and no other activities at the park.
      • Erin asked if we had the music after the walk in the morning with hotdogs, ice cream, etc. to get people together in the park. 
      • Debra asked about costumes and decorations for families. The awards for the houses, and costumes could be given in the park.
      • Andy moved that the 4th of July walk in College Hill like we had last year (separately) will be followed by music, hot dog lunch, and awards in the park. Sue seconded. Motion passed.
      • Susan will talk with Councilwoman Naeger about a proposal for barricades and parades.
    • College Hill Stones
    • Boswell Bricks
  8. Our next meeting will be July 19. We will meet on Zoom or at Westminster Presbyterian Church.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Brett J. Martin

Meeting Minutes – January 2021


College Hill Neighborhood Association

Minutes:  January 11, 2020


Meeting ID: 895 1906 5947
Passcode: 889818

Attendees:  Christi Stewart (President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Brett Martin (Secretary), Brian Adams, Dana Adams, Carol Christensen, John Christensen, Sharon Dodd, Sue Fackler, Andy Fry, Ava Fry, Anna Fry, Karl Fundenberger, Emmett Hull, Patty Kane, Gail, Katrina Shaw, Benjamen Alford, Duane Pomeroy, Diane Pomeroy, G’Tobia Washington

Zoom Meeting

  1. Introductions 
  2. Minutes – Minutes from November meeting will be approved at the March meeting
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Presented by Tom Luellen (Treasurer); see attached
    2. $4,600 in the general fund; $3,500 in grants
    3. Sue Fackler and Sarah Meadows oversee the Blossoms Fund (park improvements)
    4. Approval of the report; Patty Kane moved, Andy Fry second; report approved
  4. New Business – Introduction of any visitors 
    1. No visitors
  5. Operation Food Secure (OFS) in College Hill – Brett Martin
    1. Brett shared that volunteers over the last few months have continued to deliver food to our neighbors in College Hill and surrounding neighborhoods. Here are some details:
      1. More than 20 volunteers have been involved
      2. Food is delivered every other week to 77 households
      3. Topeka Rescue Mission Ministries sent a report of the impact in CHNA as of December 30, 2020
        1. 424 food boxes
        2. 424 gallons of milk
        3. 14,246 pounds of food
        4. 23,743 meals
    2. The federal Farmers to Families program through USDA officially ended on December 31, 2020
    3. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas has granted $350,000 to continue the program through the beginning of March. The boxes will not include precooked meat
    4. The White House announced on January 4 that they will re-start the program with an investment of $1.5 billion
  6. Trailer Purchase for CHNA – Brett Martin
    1. Brett shared that volunteers have been using borrowed trailers for OFS over the past few months
    2. Some residents have suggested that the purchase of a trailer might be useful for not only OFS but also for July 4 festivities, neighborhood clean-up, and the recycling drive
    3. Christi asked Carol if a trailer would be helpful with the recycling drive; Carol was unsure
    4. Tom asked about the duration of OFS; Brett was unsure of the timeline for the program
    5. No action taken; conversations will continue
  7. Topeka Community Acceptance Grant for Light Bulbs – Andy Fry
    1. Topeka Community Foundation grant ($4,000); CHNA contributed $500
    2. We will purchase light bulbs with photocells for houses in the neighborhood
    3. Some residents have had issues with bulbs, but Andy indicated there are more reliable options
    4. The purpose of this initiative is to help light the neighborhood for increased safety; individuals would use the bulbs in their front porch fixtures
    5. There is an opportunity to look at crime rates before and after the installation of the bulbs
  8. Recycling Drive Update – Carol Christensen  
    1. Carol reported that we made $135 during the December drive
    2. Midwest Salvage, the new company on Branner, requires us to separate the metals; we would like communication with the neighborhood to save their recyclables and to pre-sort them
      1. They only take metal; aluminum beverage cans are our best money-makers
      2. It would be helpful to let people know about the drives on a regular basis
      3. Carol has sent information to Erin when she develops communications; she can also send it to the group to share with everyone
    3. Carol is proposing that the next recycling drive be March 27 (after our next meeting)
  9. Traffic Calming Projects (action item) – Andy Fry
    1. At our past meeting, we looked at different options (15th and Jewell and 13th and College) to help calm traffic in the neighborhood
      1. Zach shared that these are longest stretches of road that have no stop signs and can contribute to faster car traffic
    2. When we sent out information a few months ago, some residents gave feedback and suggested other locations
    3. Carol shared that there was some concern about the historic nature of College Avenue as the old trolley car route
    4. Andy suggested that layers holding historic value are a few layers down; he reminded the group that these are temporary options to calm traffic 
    5. Zach shared that this is a temporary opportunity that can serve as a test case for the city
    6. Christi suggested that it’s a great idea and that we have nothing to lose
    7. Motion: Traffic calming project at 13th and College and at 15th and Jewell at no cost to CHNA. Andy moved; Zach second 
      1. Andy shared that there will be signage posted to share about the project and provide an opportunity to share feedback
  1. Kansas Leadership Center COVID-19 Grant – Andy Fry
    1. As part of the Kansas Leadership Center’s (KLC) “Kansas Beats the Virus” initiative, Andy gathered five residents to look at ways to help families during COVID-19 pandemic
    2. The group decided to look at a public access WiFi network in Boswell Square Park for students as they are remote in school
    3. CHNA has procured other dollars as well
    4. Andy has communicated with Parks and Rec and Westminster Presbyterian about housing the hardware
    5. The group is looking at a one-year contract
    6. The group also decorated the gazebo with Christmas lights to bring some light and joy to the neighborhood
    7. Karl mentioned that the Topeka Spits group also received a KLC grant. Individuals who have posted selfies with #TopekaSpits and are practicing COVID-safe behaviors will be entered to win a $20 gift card.
  2. Old Business 
    1. Carol asked about the bricks
      1. Christi reminded the group that Sue is working on this and that she is working with Bill Riphahn
      2. Carol shared that Sue is working with Bill on bricks that are longer lasting
    2. Andy has organized the ideas that Zach gathered from the chili feed on a spreadsheet to share at the next meeting 
  3. New Business 
    1. None
  4. Our next meeting will be March 15, 2021. We will meet at Westminster Presbyterian Church or on Zoom.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Brett J. Martin 

Meeting Minutes – September 2020

Meeting was held via Zoom.

Persons in attendance follow:  Brian Adams, Dana Adams, Ben Alford, Carol Christensen, Susan Duffy, Andy Fry, Gail Kennedy, Tom Luellen, Brett Martin, Debbie Pomeroy, Duane Pomeroy, Katrina Shaw, Christi Stewart, Ardith Woertz, Emmett.

Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer’s Report was approved as presented.

    • Tom Luellen provided a recap of income and expenses for the past year.
    • A brief discussion related to College Hill Neighborhood Association (CHNA) dues and forms of payment ensued.
      • Currently, dues may be paid at various in-person CHNA sponsored events or by mail or drop-off to Tom at 1619 Plass.
      • Annual Dues are $20 per family.
      • Some form of electronic payment and/or Pay Pal were discussed as possible future payment methods to explore.

Minutes of last meeting – Minutes were approved with the noted change.

    • Ardith Woertz reviewed the Minutes from the July 2020.
    • A change to correct the spelling of Debbie Pomeroy’s name was presented.
      • Note – while reviewing past minutes it was discovered that two other names were misspelled – Andy Fry and Carol Christensen.  The spelling of these names has been corrected as well.

New Business – Introduction of any visitors –

    • No visitors.  Item not discussed.

Information regarding traffic calming, safety and speed reduction in College Hill –

    • Andy Fry provided an update on project, including talks with City Traffic Engineer.
    • Goal of Project is to make neighborhood safer.  Project is seen as having several stages or iterations.
    • A diagram showing potential use of road markings that are designed to help slow down traffic was displayed.
      • Drawing highlighted 13th and College and 15th and Jewell.
    • No decisions have been finalized.
    • Feedback was asked for – concept, locations, etc.
    • Comments and suggestions should be sent to Andy Fry at

Lighting the Neighborhood project update –

    • Andy Fry provided an update.
    • Andy is working with Cynthia Naeger and they are looking at applying for a Community Grant to provide a dusk to dawn light bulb to each house in College Hill.
    • Goal is safety related and to lighting up the neighborhood.
    • Light bulb offering is an initial phase of what is seen as a multi-phase project.   
    • Light bulb type and where to purchase were talked about as was soliciting donations or cost reductions/savings from store bulbs would be purchased from to help offset costs and demonstrate outside support in grant submission.

Update on recycling and next scheduled pick up December 12th – 

    • Carol Christensen talked about recycling efforts and issues related to former recycling vendor, Jim Starkey.
    • Starkey has applied for and is waiting to receive a new license.
    • Discussion focused on most recently used vendor and that we need to make participating in recycling program easy for neighbors.
    • Next recycling drive is in November 2020.
    • More updates to follow as more is learned with respect to vendors.

Election of new officers – Outcome:  Slate of officers was approved as submitted with Vice President position to be determined at a later date.

Slate presented – President Christi Stewart

Vice President – to be determined later

Treasurer – Tom Luellen

Secretary – Brett Martin

    • Slate of officers was presented and request for additional nominations was made.
    • No additional nominations were submitted.
    • Vote was taken.
      • Congratulations to Christi Stewart, Tom Luellen, and Brett Martin!

Request for Volunteers – 4th of July parade coordinator needed –

    • Role of the 4th of July Parade Coordinator was discussed.
    • Ardith said she would help.
    • No volunteers were identified.
    • Erin Snethen will coordinate the July 3rd activities.

Other Business – No Other Business was presented or discussed.

Next Round Table Meeting on November 16th

Close of Business – thank you for this opportunity to serve our neighborhood.  Thank Gail Kennedy for your excellent work as the secretary for the last two years!!

Added Note from Gail – thank you for the opportunity to serve as Secretary of the CHNA.  College Hill is a great community and the CHNA is a vibrant and active organization.  I have enjoyed my time on the board and meeting all the wonderful people that I have encountered.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Gail L. Kennedy

Meeting Minutes – July 2020

College Hill Neighborhood Association

Round Table Agenda and Minutes – July 20, 2020

Persons in Attendance: Cynthia Naeger (guest), Gail Kennedy, Ardith Woertz, Tom Luellen, Deb Pomeroy, Duane Pomeroy, Christi Stewart, Andy Fry, Zach Snethen, Erin Snethen, Brett Martin, Carol Christiansen, Patricia Kane.

    1. Introductions – Meeting held via Zoom
    2. Minutes — Approved as submitted
    3. Treasurer’s Report – Report Submitted and approved as submitted
    4. Guest – Cynthia Naeger regarding grant proposal
    5. Lighting Project – Andy Fry in conjunction with Cynthia Naeger
      • Andy and Cynthia have been working on grant proposal for dusk to dawn lights for distribution to new neighbors. Neighborhood Safety is key motivator.
      • Partnering with other community action groups to make it happen have been explored.  Have looked into several grants: Hand R Block, Topeka Community Foundation – Greater Topeka Community Fund, Evergy to name a few.  Most grant possibilities have shifted funds at this time to COVID related activities.
      • Also working with Community Resource Center (CRC) to become a member organization so we can qualify for 501c3 grants.  Membership fee is $100.
      • Lights and costs were discussed, and question was asked if we would be providing matching or some funds to try and Improve grant search.
      • Yard/Sidewalk Lights were also discussed.  This project is more costly and was seen as a possible next step.  Need for more data and how yard lights have helped the crime rate in other neighborhoods was discussed. Participants indicated desire to continue work on this and to talk with Evergy about.
      • Ardith will seek a letter of support from Safe Streets to help with grant applications.
      • Motion presents by Andy and seconded by Carol:  spend $100 to obtain membership with CRC and put up $500 of unencumbered funds as match for grant for light bulb project.  Motion unanimously approved. AS Cynthia was dropped off the Zoom call, Andy will get back with Cynthia.
    6. Porch fest/music event — Andy Fry and Lauren Neuer –
      • Event will involve having several different smaller music gatherings in front yards or on porches.
      • Participates would socially distance and wear masks.
      • Event date could coincide with or be related to National Night Out activity.   People could walk by and enjoy music from sidewalk.
      • It was mentioned that Porch fest could possibly build into something that replaces house tours without going inside as it will be featuring the neighborhood and the talent in the neighborhood. It was mentioned that we could pick a date, put information out, and let it organically grow over time.
      • October 10th was identified as event date to coincide with National Night Out.   Day Light hours were discussed as a way to encourage people to walk neighborhood. Different ideas were mentioned, and an initial planning team was formed.  It was also mentioned that it would possibly be up to the individual host to plan the entertainment.  An August 2nd planning meeting was set.
    7. Recycling Drive – update by Carol Christiansen
      • Jim Starkey has applied for registration with Kansas State Department of Revenue and has not heard back.
      • After a discussion on options, it was decided that as we have a long-term relationship with Jim Starkey, we will wait until he is in business.
      • Information will be put out to let neighborhood know we still plan on doing recycling and they will be asked to hang on to their recyclables.
    8. Neighborhood Cleanup – Ben Alford is coordinating this event and it is being rescheduled to the fall.
      • This may be cancelled.  The Keep America Beautiful Activity has been cancelled for the year. No decisions made at this time.
    9. 4th of July – Independence Walk recap.  Good coverage for independence walk.  Great participation. Event was declared a success.
    10. National Night Out – see Porch fest — item b. above.
    11. Old Business – Park projects.  Have money from Blossoms.  Project will be discussed at the Annual meeting in September.  — explore grant projects.  Some ideas have been generated.  There are no cost estimates currently.
    12. New Business – nominating committee for officers.  Ardith will gather.
    13. Added item:  – meeting with City Traffic Engineer to discuss traffic flow and how to slow traffic down.
      • Safety is the focus.
      • Diagrams were reviewed and discussed.
      • City Traffic Engineer will be invited to Annual Meeting in September to make a presentation.
    14. Annual Meeting will take place the 3rd Monday in September – September 21st – at 7:00 pm, hopefully in person, at Westminster Church located at 13th & Boswell.

Respectfully submitted by Gail L. Kennedy