Meeting Minutes – September 2019

College Hill Neighborhood Association

Minutes of the Annual meeting – September 16, 2019

President Ardith Woertz called the meeting to order.

  1. Community Officer Update: No update
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Report presented by Tom Luellen and approved.
  3. Minutes of last meeting: Minutes were approved as submitted.
  4. Speaker – Judy Wilson of Safe Streets: Wilson suggested CHNA use a calling tree or citizen’s patrol to keep our neighborhood informed and safe. Citizen patrols could report drug activity, strange traffic, etc. to keep neighbors alert. Wilson said to pay special attention to people wearing backpacks and riding bicycles late at night.
  5. City Council Candidates for District 6: Lucas Ryan, Hannah Nager and Clark Trammel introduced themselves and discussed their campaigns.
  6. 12th Street – South Kansas to Gage Blvd. Project:

David Bevens, City of Topeka Community Education Manager introduced Jeff Lolly from Bartlow and West and Keith Duncan, Project Engineer for Topeka’s Public Works Department to discuss this project. Duncan stressed the City’s need for “complete streets” which safely allow for car, pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Discussion and planning for the project is to continue through 2020. Project construction is to take place 2021-23. Estimated cost to expand 12th Street is $13.2 million of Shawnee County funds. School bus routes will not be affected. However, Topeka Metro traffic/stops will be greatly improved. Bevens, Lolly and Duncan provided several handouts of detailed information and encouraged public comments and input on the project.

  • New Business: Sue Fackler reported the College Hill Home Tour of 2019 was cancelled. Instead, the Nautilus Club will host a fall festival at Boswell Park on October 13 for neighborhood families. Activities include a food truck, music, pumpkin decorating, and games. If anyone would like to volunteer to help, contact Sue Fackler.

John Christensen reported the next recycling date is November 2.

Kari Herr asked if CHNA has a plan to spend any funds on neighborhood projects. The group discussed the large balance in the CHNA bank account and a committee will be formed to look at projects.

Topeka Councilman Brendan Jensen acknowledged the neighborhood’s concerns and questions of the YoungLife houses on Boswell and College. The situation will continue to be discussed at the next CHNA meeting.

The next Round Table Meeting will take place November 18, 2019 at 7p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Christi Stewart

Meeting Minutes – November 2019

College Hill Neighborhood Association

Round Table Meeting, November 18, 2019 – Minutes

Persons in Attendance: Carol Christenson, John Christensen, Clark Duffy, Sue Fackler, Andrianne Johnson, Gail Kennedy, Tom Luellen, John Parton, Jasmine Puderbaugh, Christi Stewart, Don Zeller.

  1. Community Officer Update – Officer Strickland attended.  No report was provided as data was not updated/current.  A demonstration of Google Community Crime Map was provided.  Go to site, pull up USA, zoom to Kansas and then to Topeka. Officer Strickland recommended not leaving car running with keys inside.  He provided his phone number if need to contact him — 785.861.0197
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Report provided by Tom Luellen and accepted. Barricade discussion. 
  3. Minutes of last meetingMinutes from the July meeting were made available. 
  4. Speaker – Bill Fiander, Representative from Topeka zoning department. Mr. Fiander indicated that he was at meeting to listen and understand.  


  • Report from committee on neighborhood housing concerns – several neighborhood representatives have looked into homes in the College Hill neighborhood that appear to not be being used in accordance with City code. Discussion on what can and cannot be done and possible course of action took place. More work to be completed.


  • New Business
    1. Holiday activities — Christmas decoration contest.
    2. Chili feed – Possible date discussed. 


  • Old Business
    1. Recycling results – last drive raised $107. Appreciation was expressed.
    2. Octoberfest report – Day was a success. Served as substitute for the Home Tour. Nautilus Club does not think activity is a good fit for them.
  • Next Round Table Meeting on January 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.  Will have a short organizational meeting before the next Round Table Meeting for committee on generating ideas on spending funds in the College Hill accounts.  Short organizational meeting for committee after the Round Table Meeting. Several suggestions/ideas were mentioned: Exercise Stations, Porch fest, Light bulbs, markers… more to be discussed on 13th of January.